Right now I am not listening to anything on
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Accused of shoplifting!

One of the things that annoy me the most is when we visit a shop, no matter if it’s big or a smaller neighborhood one, it that anyone is suspected of being a shoplifter. Have you ever experienced this: you visit a small shop, maybe one in your neighborhood… and exactly where you’re looking for...
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Afraid of an IT job market crash?

Started wondering a few weeks ago if the IT job market is in a bubble right now… wondering this because there seems to be an incredible market opportunity right now to get a new job. Got a ton of calls, received a lot of emails, and let’s not forget about LinkedIn where I get leads...
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A new challenge: #writeDaily

Starting today, I’ve challenged myself with something new: #writeDaily. I want to develop a new habit of writing something daily, either publicly or in private, just for me. If you go right now on the homepage, you will see that I’ve published two statistics for this challenge: my best streak, which is the highest number...
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Between contracts

Since when I signed the contract with the current company I am working with now, I never actively searched for another offer or contract. I’ve kept refusing offers because I don’t like being unstable and moving every three months or so for 50 euros extra. I’ve kept refusing until I got an offer from Automattic...
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Wasted working hours…

I am on a 6-day streak of writing daily on my blog so I could not miss posting something today. Let me tell you the latest stupid thing I made today. Tuesday night I got really hooked up on the idea to add another SSD to my workstation and install the third operating system besides...
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My greatest dilemma

If you read enough news from the United States you should be up to date with this fact: there are not enough people there to fill up all the job opportunities. Just read this tiny part from a survey from Texas related to the service sector: The very tight labor market has resulted in our...
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Oversharing melodies

Does this happen to you: you hear a song somewhere that you really like a lot and you want to share it with your friends? The problem that I usually encounter is that right after the song you share you hear a new one that you like even more and you want to share it...
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28 Years of life

I initially wanted to write this post on the 21st of July, right on my 28th birthday. But I was too busy with other things and had no time to do it. No problem, I am still 28 for a whole year, right? So… it’s been another whole year, I am one year older. 28...
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Nostalgia: tent edition

There are moments in my life when I become nostalgic. Those moments primarily appear when I rediscover a thing from my past that brings back memories. Some of these moments appear when I visit my parents’ house where I lived for 20 years. Some of my things are still there and some are even in...
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Starting to watch all the Marvel movies

I love watching a good Marvel Cinematic Universe movie, who doesn’t right? I remember back when we had no kids I started watching Iron Man and that day I convinced my wife to watch it with me too, all 3 of them. Marvel is so cool, but I am wondering if there is something from...
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Guess it's obvious, but the theme is created by myself with Tailwind CSS. You can find the source code here.
I still use WordPress 🧡. The theme is custom Laravel though 😎.