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On taking bold stances (WordPress vs FLoC)

Google is known for wanting to know as much as possible data about its users so those pieces of information can be worth more when selling. That is what FLoC, their new idea, basically does: they are trying to replace cookies with a new thing so they can go around regulations, especially in the EU....
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How I started my programming journey

I always had a thing for computers now that I think about it. I was maybe 5 years old when my dad bought a 386 computer with MS-DOS on it and I was blown away by it. I used to have two “games” in MS-DOS that I could play: a starship shooting bullets and floating...
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Is it worth it having a blog in 2021?

A few days ago, a major event went unnoticed by me: on the 27th of March, my blog turned 13 years old. Of course, I am talking about my Romanian blog since this one came to life just this year. But my first post ever on what then was filipac.net was written on 27th of...
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Solving problem: just one of my WPML site is indexed in Google

Ever since I’ve created my English website and blog, I’ve noticed that whenever I search for my name on Google, I can see only my Romanian website, not the newly created English one. Initially, I thought it is a time problem and eventually it will appear since I’ve set it up on Search Console and...
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The problem with perpetual licensing

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know should know by now the perpetual licensing pattern: you buy a license to certain software, you receive updates for a year or two, depending on the license, then you stop receiving updates for the app and you can use that version forever. The main problem with...
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Pro Tip: Don’t overcomplicate content storage / the database from the start

Part A – The problem I’m currently working on a fairly complicated project that basically is a single-page app having just a quiz. Based on the answers you give, you receive a special report and solution at the end. Something regarding loans and financial stuff. The problem is that those questions must be editable from...
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My 2021 setup

We, the developers, tend to look at other fellow developers and copy ideas for our workspaces and setups. Don’t you dare to say it is not true :)! Have you ever seen a beautiful screenshot of an IDE and immediately downloaded the same font and applied it too? I’m not sure anyone would want to...
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Changed my domain name after only a day

Just wrote yesterday my first post on the English website and I mentioned that I had the domain filipac.net laying around and I used that. But then I remembered that the cool TLD for developers is .dev though. I also had the domain pacurar.dev in the shopping cart for a few months now in Google...
Joshua says:
I do not understand

Hello, welcome to daddy's blog! You should know that you won't find any cartoons around. You've been warned!

Joshua Pacurar

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Hello world, welcome to my english blog.

Hi there! For a long time I’ve wanted to make a personal page and blog in English, but I was too shy to actually do it. Not anymore. On this nice Saturday evening I took an initial step to translate my existing romanian website to English. I use WordPress for this site so I quickly...
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reserved. Do whatever you want, it's a free country.
Guess it's obvious, but the theme is created by myself with Tailwind CSS. You can find the source code here.
I still use WordPress 🧡. The theme is custom Laravel though 😎.