My work and portfolio

Hey there, just a quick heads-up!

This page contains only a subset of my work, projects that I am proud of and also the ones that I can share.

Most of my projects are under some terms though and I cannot publicly share them because they belong 100% to the client. I can however give you an idea of what I've built those past 3 years:

  • Two intranet portals for an international business company
  • National web app for online prescriptions and medication delivery
  • International platform to connect to experts in various categories like motivation, sleep, lifestyle, nutrition or pregnancy
  • Website for a national olympic team
  • Advanced app for marketing leads collection
  • Online courses marketplace
  • Web app to see information about movies
  • Dozens or tens of medium sized websites. Actually, I've looked at all repositories I still have access to and since 2018 I've built 55 websites. That's 1 and a half per month. Sure, not all of them were only my job, I've had help, but I touched at least 55 websites since 2018. That's something, isn't it?
  • Private social media for a niche category
  • Backend for an international singer

Those are just a few examples of things that kept me busy since 2018, all done as contractor.

If you want to see more of my work in private, send me an email to [email protected] and we'll chat more about your digital needs too.

Enough chit-chat! Let me show you a subset of my portofolio now. You can also filter those projects by the technologies used.

Filter by the technologies used:
Basic Css
October CMS
React Native
Tailwind CSS


This is a website for a company in my home town specialised in gardening and lawn services. It is build in Next.js and hosted on Vercel. It has a small GraphQL api and also has a cloud function. For the CSS framework I've chosen the best one - Tailwind CSS.

Technologies used in this project:

My personal website


Of course, my personal website and blog are built by me. Even if it is obvious, I wanted to mention it because I spent a lot of time on this project to make it weird-looking. Maybe you like the style, maybe not, but I challenged myself to think outside the box.

Oh, did I mention that the whole theme is open-sourced? There is some interesting to learn out there. Check it out.

Technologies used in this project:

Biserica Sega


This is the website for the church I attend, 3rd generation of website actually, previous two were also built by me. This is built with October CMS for ease of content management.

Technologies used in this project:

Neurolingua Kids

Mobile App

Neurolingua Kids is the edition for the little ones of the bigger application Neurolingua (web or phone app). It features the same neurolinguistic algorithm to make you learn the German language faster but in a way kids will enjoy doing it: by playing games.

Technologies used in this project:

Neurolingua landing page

Landing page

This is a simple marketing landing page for the main Neurolingua page. It is built in Nuxt.js (Vue.JS) and has only informational copy and a contact form.

Technologies used in this project:

Neurolingua Web App

Web App

You might have seen in this list of projects I did the name "Neurolingua" mentioned a lot. Well, this is the glue that unites all of the other sub-projects. The web app. It is a full spa app that connects to a GraphQL API. Its main use is to learn the German language and has a sophisticated algorithm that makes the process a lot faster.

Technologies used in this project:

Neurolingua Mobile

Mobile App

Neurolingua Mobile is an application that helps you learn German language faster than ever with an advanced neurolinguistic boost.

Technologies used in this project:


Infinity Music is a music studio from my hometown that produces quality music. It is built on my favorite CMS - OctoberCMS. Also has a custom shop functionality built from scratch that is integrated with a quite popular payment processor in Romania.

Technologies used in this project:

Harvest Card management system

Web App

While the guys from Harvest church did an awesome job building the website, they needed help on building an internal app where clients could scan QR codes and instantly record a transaction that is discounted for club members. This was built as an Wordpress plugin written in React and with GraphQL as server api.

Technologies used in this project:

Bible API

Open Source

While working on a church website I needed a Biblie api to show various verses when needed. While I found some international ones, I never found one in Romanian. SoI built it and then open sourced it.

Technologies used in this project:

OctoberCMS Plugins


Since I like OctoberCMS a lot, I've built a few plugins that are useful for people: ability to ban ips, ability to preview themes, add two factor authentication to the backend and a simple plugin to show a Facebook Messenger popup.

Technologies used in this project:

Personal vCard website


Once in a while... a developer bought another domain... and he thought it is a good idea to have a little vCard website on the newly bought domain. That is how I build

Technologies used in this project:

Ruby Gem – CNP Validator

Open Source

For a personal project I built in Ruby on Rails I needed a CNP validator (CNP is like a social security number in USA). I quickly learned how to package it in a gem and publish it.

Technologies used in this project:


When I built this website, this business was one of the first of its kind in Romania. It is a business that offers funeral services but in a more advanced fashion. Initially, it was built as a static website, but as the client kept wanting more content changes I quickly transformed it into an October CMS site.

Technologies used in this project:



This is a very simple Wordpress site that serves the purpose to see a catalog of franchise products, a niche franchise: products for funeral activities.

Technologies used in this project:

Various payment pages

Web App

Initially I've built a simple single page Laravel app that connects people to a payment provider in Romania and build a report with sales. Then I added an admin panel so client could see the list in real time. After this, I got recommended to basically do the same app for 3 more clients. This simple app helps 4 people get payments from people in no-time.

Technologies used in this project:

VueJS weather tutorial


Back in 2018 I made a video tutorial in Romanian on how to built a weather mini-app using VueJS. It emphasised why you should avoid Jquery when possible.

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reserved. Do whatever you want, it's a free country.
Guess it's obvious, but the theme is created by myself with Tailwind CSS. You can find the source code here.
I still use WordPress ๐Ÿงก. The theme is custom Laravel though ๐Ÿ˜Ž.