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The Refrigerator Story

An alternative title would be: How not to rush into throwing money away. One day about two weeks ago, an error appeared on our refrigerator and it stopped cooling at all. It had never done this before, and the error code wasn’t even listed in the instruction manual. To make matters worse, it had just...
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A long overdue matter to fix

Last weekend, we went to a family retreat with many families from our church. One thing that I realized while listening to the family speaking there is that in all those years since 2020 when we first applied for a diversity visa and first thought about living in the US… we never had one day...
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The start of the year is expensive

Until you get to the point you’re an adult, the start of the year is nothing special. But then… you begin to hate it. I am not sure how many expenses there are in your country, but I just had to pay those this month: Car insurance – I have 10 years and a couple...
Right now I am not listening to anything on
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Why do I write on this blog

This is entry #6 for the Bloganuary challenge. Today’s prompt is “Why do you write?” I have an older article about this in Romanian here. I also have this article on this blog subject: I consider this blog my long-running project. Over the years, I’ve contributed to a lot of projects, either on a personal...
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What brings me joy

This is entry #5 for the Bloganuary challenge. Today’s prompt is “What brings you joy in life?” There might be days when I am down, days when I am very happy, or regular/normal days. There might be periods of time when I am in the mood for coding and stay at the office desk more,...
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Buble gum and adventures

This is entry #3 for the Bloganuary challenge. Today’s prompt is “What is the earliest memory you have?” Our brain is an interesting concept, it tends to forget things to make room for new memories, at least that is how my brain works. But in fact, I think I never forget things but somehow put...
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Am I really brave?

This is entry #2 for the Bloganuary challenge. Today’s prompt is “How are you brave?” I never considered myself a brave person, but now that I think about it… there might be some part of bravery inside me. Why? Because I have a higher risk tolerance than others, and you need to be brave for...
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How do you like your coffee?

I am a coffee guy – period! I like coffee and sometimes maybe I drink too much of it. I am also a programmer so the perfect stereotype – programmers drink coffee. I drink it for the taste, not to keep me awake. I can drink coffee (maybe even 2-3) and in the next 10...
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Automattic trial year 2 – (probably) my last trial. Thoughts about the hiring process.

I have another post with my trial experience from last year, you might have to read that first, this one will be a little different. Read it here. So… if you read my blog you might know that last year I trialed for a job at Automattic. Even if their canned rejection message on Slack...
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Diversity visa 2023

I am going to be short with this post: we did not win it. We had two chances, both I and Catalina submitted applications but neither of us got randomly extracted. There is still time for us, to hope that this program will not be canceled or a better alternative to legally immigrate to the...
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How to clean your iPhone speaker

It has been a while since my old iPhone 11 had bad sound coming out from the speaker and the volume was way too low. Probably in all these years, I had all kinds of dirt and debris entered in the speaker place. The same thing with the microphone, it had muffled sound and I...
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Guess it's obvious, but the theme is created by myself with Tailwind CSS. You can find the source code here.
I still use WordPress 🧡. The theme is custom Laravel though 😎.