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PHP vs Python – personal experience

I’m a PHP programmer *most of the time*. I started learning PHP first, at the same time as HTML and CSS, and almost daily since then I coded in PHP. The syntax is elegant, you write code fast and it just works, especially if it is paired with a great framework like Laravel. But the...
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My Stages as a Programmer

I don’t know about other programmers, but I find myself in two stages quite randomly. 1 – I love programming. It’s the stage where I feel like the world can change with my lines of code. The stage where I say, “Wow, this is cool, I can automate this because I know programming, let me...
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Syntax.fm joins Sentry

My favorite podcast, Syntax.FM got acquired by Sentry. More details about this here. I think I started listening to Syntax (looking through the episode list right now to remember) around January 2018. I did not listen to every episode, but I listened to most of them. I always loved Wes’ and Scott’s dedication to the...
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In simple terms: How does a crypto wallet work, how does the blockchain work, and how can you be hacked?

I am part of various Facebook or Telegram crypto groups where inevitably there are also many beginners or less technical users. Often I see phrases like “my funds were transferred to another wallet, but I don’t understand how since I had both pin and face ID authentication”. Let me explain briefly and in simple terms...
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Burnouts in web development

People tend to think that web developers have the perfect job: work from home, stay at a cozy office and type some text that transforms into programs. But in the real world, every if statement, every tiny decision, every deadline, and every project big or small leads to some kind of burnout. I’ve had several...
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New monitor in setup

This week I received the new portable monitor that I ordered last weekend. I mainly ordered it for when I am on the go and I really need the second display (because I have the 14″ Macbook, you know…. tiny). But since I got it, why let it get dust on it and not use...
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Automating the Git commit message prefix

If you’re a programmer you probably love automating the daily tasks you do daily, don’t you? Well, if you don’t you probably should. The current project I work on has a specific Git Branching model that follows the Jira tasks number. In a nutshell, here are the requirements: when I tackle a story/feature task, it...
Now listening on
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PHP, CodeIgniter, Laravel, Vue, React, front-end… or how I changed my stack over the course of time

Also: Keep up to date with the fast-paced changing scenery of the tech world. Back in 2012 when I got my first programming job right after I graduated high school, I did not have any experience with PHP frameworks, I’ve mainly used plain old PHP for my freelance websites and the only thing closer to...
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Building PayForSpace – adding a new way to validate transactions

I’ve started to build this app called PayForSpace really fast and one thing I don’t like about this thing is that I am forced to make compromises. After I checked out the Elrond gateway documentation, I saw that I am only able to get the last 20 transactions and that includes both sent or received...
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Building PayForSpace – Episode 2

Wow, my second stream already. This time I’ve streamed for a little bit more than 2 hours. I’ve continued working on the PayForSpace app and added some new features: Every box has an identifier Each box type has a price We created a new database table and a table to store data Once anyone buys...
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Building PayForSpace – Episode 1

Well… the good news it’s that the hard moment of starting the first stream in a foreign language has passed! Yeah, today I had my first almost-2-hours stream on Twitch where I started building the PayForSpace app. I’m gonna embed the Twitch recording here at the end of the post, but first, let me summarize...
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Guess it's obvious, but the theme is created by myself with Tailwind CSS. You can find the source code here.
I still use WordPress 🧡. The theme is custom Laravel though 😎.