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What I like about the US #1

I will start a small series of quick posts about things I like in the US versus my own country/Europe. Today I am going to talk about clothing. I like that I can go to Walmart and buy a dozen packs of socks – Hanes Cushion. This type of socks: I cannot find good pair...
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Romanians and their concern about others

I find it hard to believe that some fellow Romanians are making fun of the US president, either the current one or the past one, but we still have a president that called me and those fellow friends “religiously fanatical”. In the meantime, the US presidents always invoke God in their speeches and also pray...
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What’s a P2 and why does it make so much sense

I remember when Automattic first introduced the P2 WordPress theme. The theme itself introduced a lot of interesting new things and a new approach to WordPress sites: collaboration websites and short Twitter-like posts. I even tried to use the theme for a side project somewhere around 2010 while I was still in high school, but...
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3 months as a front-end developer only

It’s been 3 (almost 4) months now since I moved on to my next contract and it’s been quite a nice ride until now. I noticed that even though I planned on writing more stuff on this blog, I’ve been kind of inactive and I hate that. So here I am making a retrospective of...
Right now I am not listening to anything on
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Accused of shoplifting!

One of the things that annoy me the most is when we visit a shop, no matter if it’s big or a smaller neighborhood one, it that anyone is suspected of being a shoplifter. Have you ever experienced this: you visit a small shop, maybe one in your neighborhood… and exactly where you’re looking for...
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Afraid of an IT job market crash?

Started wondering a few weeks ago if the IT job market is in a bubble right now… wondering this because there seems to be an incredible market opportunity right now to get a new job. Got a ton of calls, received a lot of emails, and let’s not forget about LinkedIn where I get leads...
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Between contracts

Since when I signed the contract with the current company I am working with now, I never actively searched for another offer or contract. I’ve kept refusing offers because I don’t like being unstable and moving every three months or so for 50 euros extra. I’ve kept refusing until I got an offer from Automattic...
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Guess it's obvious, but the theme is created by myself with Tailwind CSS. You can find the source code here.
I still use WordPress 🧡. The theme is custom Laravel though 😎.