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Morning thoughts #1

20 Jan 2024 Apparently, today is Blue Monday, the most depressing day of the year. This concept has been debunked many times, so this day isn’t necessarily valid anymore. Anyway, the whole month of January is depressing and cold. I wanted to go to Starbucks to collect some stars and get myself a coffee to...
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Diversity visa 2025 – we won!!!! ✅

It’s May 4th. May the force be with you day. I came back from a round of board games with our friends, and I tried to check if we won the diversity visa. Of course, the website is stuck from the thousands of visits per second, but after a few minutes, I can check. I...
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A thing that I am working on

No, this is not another side project or something regarding my professional life, it is about something personal. I am working on getting more patience in the traffic, both as a driver and as the right-seat passenger. This morning I was driving back from school and kindergarten and I was really relaxed knowing that I...
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My Stages as a Programmer

I don’t know about other programmers, but I find myself in two stages quite randomly. 1 – I love programming. It’s the stage where I feel like the world can change with my lines of code. The stage where I say, “Wow, this is cool, I can automate this because I know programming, let me...
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Why do I like to continue listening to “canceled” people

There’s an increasing trend nowadays. A person makes a mistake, or there are allegations that the person did something bad but nothing is yet proven. Guess what, I also made many mistakes but I am not famous enough and nobody cares. So why do we feel the urge to blame and cancel people for their...
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My Accidents in Over 10 Years of Driving

I was thinking the other day while driving toward Oradea that I recently renewed my driver’s license, so I already have over 10 years of driving experience. However, in these years, despite having had accidents, only one can truly be considered my fault. The first accident was with my parent’s car, a Ford Focus. We...
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Haikus about rain

This is entry #7 for the Bloganuary challenge. Today’s prompt is “Write a short story or poem about rain.” Raindrops patter down Nature's symphony at night Peaceful and serene Storm clouds gather fast Thunder rumbles in the distance Rain lashes the earth I have two older Romanian articles about rain here and here. I like...
Right now I am not listening to anything on
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What is a treasure that’s been lost?

This is entry #4 for the Bloganuary challenge. Today’s prompt is “What is a treasure that’s been lost?” I am going to be grim in today’s post. A treasure humanity has found one day but lost again nowadays is peace. I live in Romania, an eastern European country located near Ukraine. The war that Russia is...
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Am I really brave?

This is entry #2 for the Bloganuary challenge. Today’s prompt is “How are you brave?” I never considered myself a brave person, but now that I think about it… there might be some part of bravery inside me. Why? Because I have a higher risk tolerance than others, and you need to be brave for...
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What is something I want to achieve this year?

This year I’ve decided to join the Bloganuary challenge and respond to a prompt daily. This is a good exercise to write something daily. Today’s prompt is “What is something you want to achieve this year?“ This year something I want to do is start reading. I’ve been listening to a lot of podcasts and video...
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Trading is not gambling

Lately, I have been attracted to the trading world. Lots of my free time went into learning this world, concepts and strategies. I’ve lost some money, I’ve re-gained it back, I am building a strategy for myself. But often I hear people that say trading is gambling, or the same type of thing. No. Trading...
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