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Oversharing melodies

Does this happen to you: you hear a song somewhere that you really like a lot and you want to share it with your friends? The problem that I usually encounter is that right after the song you share you hear a new one that you like even more and you want to share it...
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28 Years of life

I initially wanted to write this post on the 21st of July, right on my 28th birthday. But I was too busy with other things and had no time to do it. No problem, I am still 28 for a whole year, right? So… it’s been another whole year, I am one year older. 28...
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Nostalgia: tent edition

There are moments in my life when I become nostalgic. Those moments primarily appear when I rediscover a thing from my past that brings back memories. Some of these moments appear when I visit my parents’ house where I lived for 20 years. Some of my things are still there and some are even in...
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Starting to watch all the Marvel movies

I love watching a good Marvel Cinematic Universe movie, who doesn’t right? I remember back when we had no kids I started watching Iron Man and that day I convinced my wife to watch it with me too, all 3 of them. Marvel is so cool, but I am wondering if there is something from...
A special word from me for you:
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Repairing the Phantom 3 cracks

Earlier this month I bought a DJI Phantom 3 from a friend. He was not using it so I made him an offer. The problem with the drone itself is that it fell off and hit a tree or something like that, and the Phantom 3 series is very fragile around the area of the...
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Note to self: add wire:key to Livewire elements

I want to really take care of this english blog and write daily or at least weekly. In order to do this, I am starting the Work Log category here where I can post bits of code or advice from my daily work as a programmer. Today’s note is about Livewire which is an awesome...
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Reducing debt

In this period together we are studying with a group of friends a course about personal and family finance from Crown Financial Ministries. It covers aspects from Bible as it is made by a Christian organization, but has some really strong ideas everyone can implement, regardless of the religious beliefs. The companion book for the...
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Trialling at Automattic – without success this time

One year later after this post was written, in 2022 I tried again to get hired at Automattic and failed again. Read the new article here, a more transparent and sad post about the hiring process. Just the closest friends of mine might know this, but over the past ~2 months I’ve been offered a...
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Winning the Diversity Lottery program

Well… it’s a lot harder than you’d think! It is the very first time we are applying as a family for the Diversity Program to get a green card in the US. I applied as the main applicant and added my wife Catalina and two sons on the applications as well. We might have had...
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On taking bold stances (WordPress vs FLoC)

Google is known for wanting to know as much as possible data about its users so those pieces of information can be worth more when selling. That is what FLoC, their new idea, basically does: they are trying to replace cookies with a new thing so they can go around regulations, especially in the EU....
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How I started my programming journey

I always had a thing for computers now that I think about it. I was maybe 5 years old when my dad bought a 386 computer with MS-DOS on it and I was blown away by it. I used to have two “games” in MS-DOS that I could play: a starship shooting bullets and floating...
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Guess it's obvious, but the theme is created by myself with Tailwind CSS. You can find the source code here.
I still use WordPress 🧡. The theme is custom Laravel though 😎.