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Burnouts in web development

People tend to think that web developers have the perfect job: work from home, stay at a cozy office and type some text that transforms into programs. But in the real world, every if statement, every tiny decision, every deadline, and every project big or small leads to some kind of burnout. I’ve had several...
Joshua says:
I do not understand

Hello, welcome to daddy's blog! You should know that you won't find any cartoons around. You've been warned!

Joshua Pacurar

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Artificial scarcity

There are some “business courses” out there that all teach you the same thing: in order to be successful, you have to pretend you are always busy, always booked, always pose your business as scarce. And it is incredible that in 2022 this thing still works. Like some scammers in Romania that teach you to...
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My greatest dilemma

If you read enough news from the United States you should be up to date with this fact: there are not enough people there to fill up all the job opportunities. Just read this tiny part from a survey from Texas related to the service sector: The very tight labor market has resulted in our...
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Guess it's obvious, but the theme is created by myself with Tailwind CSS. You can find the source code here.
I still use WordPress 🧡. The theme is custom Laravel though 😎.