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DV2024 statistics update โ€“ 30th of June, 2024

Since the last update on 2024-06-22, here are the things that changed regarding DV2024 cases. Statistics since 2024-06-22 [latest https://dvcharts.xarthisius.xyz data publish] (Generated 2024-06-29 20:12:03.520754 UTC) New 2NLs The 70 2nls on the last report remained unchanged. +---------+----+----+----+----+----+| Con | AF | AS | EU | OC | SA |+---------+----+----+----+----+----+| - | - | -...
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DV2024 statistics update – 25th of June, 2024

Since I wrote here that I built a scraper for CEAC data to get statistics more quickly than once a week that Xarthisius publishes here, I will start posting updated statistics in between the “official” ones on Xarthisius’ page. I will try to keep the same format every time I post, but as I perfect...
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PHP vs Python – personal experience

I’m a PHP programmer *most of the time*. I started learning PHP first, at the same time as HTML and CSS, and almost daily since then I coded in PHP. The syntax is elegant, you write code fast and it just works, especially if it is paired with a great framework like Laravel. But the...
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Diversity visa 2025 – we won!!!! โœ…

It’s May 4th. May the force be with you day. I came back from a round of board games with our friends, and I tried to check if we won the diversity visa. Of course, the website is stuck from the thousands of visits per second, but after a few minutes, I can check. I...
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Facebook videos – bad UX?

I absolutely hate the Facebook videos UX. Everywhere you go on the internet, clicking a video pauses the video itself. Not on Facebook. Here, you click the video and it expands and goes to the dedicated video page. Ok, maybe sometimes I want that. But even in those cases, the UX is bad. That’s because...
Joshua says:
I do not understand

Hello, welcome to daddy's blog! You should know that you won't find any cartoons around. You've been warned!

Joshua Pacurar

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A thing that I am working on

No, this is not another side project or something regarding my professional life, it is about something personal. I am working on getting more patience in the traffic, both as a driver and as the right-seat passenger. This morning I was driving back from school and kindergarten and I was really relaxed knowing that I...
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My Stages as a Programmer

I don’t know about other programmers, but I find myself in two stages quite randomly. 1 – I love programming. It’s the stage where I feel like the world can change with my lines of code. The stage where I say, “Wow, this is cool, I can automate this because I know programming, let me...

For the first time since… forever, today is the first time when I left home for a few days and forgot to pack my laptop’s charger.

Luckily, this thing charges with any USB-C cable and I have a power brick that is able to charge it, slower than its original charger, but at least I can work.

Is it just me, or anybody likes the coffee to be lukewarm or even cold? I hate hot coffee, I cannot properly feel the flavour.

So I make my cup of coffee and let it sit for 30 minutes or longer. Change my mind.

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Why do I like to continue listening to “canceled” people

There’s an increasing trend nowadays. A person makes a mistake, or there are allegations that the person did something bad but nothing is yet proven. Guess what, I also made many mistakes but I am not famous enough and nobody cares. So why do we feel the urge to blame and cancel people for their...

A little update to this post

I got the T-shirt on the 19th of July, a few days before my birthday.

The Romanian post used to be slow, but it arrived in a decent amount of time.

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are not
reserved. Do whatever you want, it's a free country.
Guess it's obvious, but the theme is created by myself with Tailwind CSS. You can find the source code here.
I still use WordPress ๐Ÿงก. The theme is custom Laravel though ๐Ÿ˜Ž.