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What’s up with the USA flag in my office?

If you read this post you might be wondering what’s up with that USA flag in my office? Filip, I thought you are Romanian. Well, that means you did not read my old posts from this blog. You might start from this post called “Why we’d like to move to the USA?” and you’ll get...
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My 2022 setup

You know the drill… new year, new setup. Not entirely true, I don’t plan on switching my setup every single year, but I made some changes this year that are worth mentioning. You can read my 2021 setup post here. The main thing I started to miss in 2021 after I built my powerful Hackintosh...
Right now I am not listening to anything on
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PHP, CodeIgniter, Laravel, Vue, React, front-end… or how I changed my stack over the course of time

Also: Keep up to date with the fast-paced changing scenery of the tech world. Back in 2012 when I got my first programming job right after I graduated high school, I did not have any experience with PHP frameworks, I’ve mainly used plain old PHP for my freelance websites and the only thing closer to...
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Whittier, Alaska

Do you know those Facebook posts and pages that randomly appear in your feed and you get some real facts? I did not follow any of them, but Facebook seems to know that I like those and randomly shows me those kinds of posts from time to time. A normal human being would read the...
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Guess it's obvious, but the theme is created by myself with Tailwind CSS. You can find the source code here.
I still use WordPress 🧡. The theme is custom Laravel though 😎.