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Diversity visa 2023

I am going to be short with this post: we did not win it. We had two chances, both I and Catalina submitted applications but neither of us got randomly extracted. There is still time for us, to hope that this program will not be canceled or a better alternative to legally immigrate to the...
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What’s up with the USA flag in my office?

If you read this post you might be wondering what’s up with that USA flag in my office? Filip, I thought you are Romanian. Well, that means you did not read my old posts from this blog. You might start from this post called “Why we’d like to move to the USA?” and you’ll get...
A special word from me for you:
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Winning the Diversity Lottery program

Well… it’s a lot harder than you’d think! It is the very first time we are applying as a family for the Diversity Program to get a green card in the US. I applied as the main applicant and added my wife Catalina and two sons on the applications as well. We might have had...
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I still use WordPress 🧡. The theme is custom Laravel though 😎.