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Burnouts in web development

People tend to think that web developers have the perfect job: work from home, stay at a cozy office and type some text that transforms into programs. But in the real world, every if statement, every tiny decision, every deadline, and every project big or small leads to some kind of burnout. I’ve had several...
A special word from me for you:
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PHP, CodeIgniter, Laravel, Vue, React, front-end… or how I changed my stack over the course of time

Also: Keep up to date with the fast-paced changing scenery of the tech world. Back in 2012 when I got my first programming job right after I graduated high school, I did not have any experience with PHP frameworks, I’ve mainly used plain old PHP for my freelance websites and the only thing closer to...
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How I started my programming journey

I always had a thing for computers now that I think about it. I was maybe 5 years old when my dad bought a 386 computer with MS-DOS on it and I was blown away by it. I used to have two “games” in MS-DOS that I could play: a starship shooting bullets and floating...
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Guess it's obvious, but the theme is created by myself with Tailwind CSS. You can find the source code here.
I still use WordPress 🧡. The theme is custom Laravel though 😎.