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Repairing the Phantom 3 cracks

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Earlier this month I bought a DJI Phantom 3 from a friend. He was not using it so I made him an offer.

The problem with the drone itself is that it fell off and hit a tree or something like that, and the Phantom 3 series is very fragile around the area of the propellers, it began to have cracks underneath the propeller engine, and one even fell off.

It started to look like this after the engine fell off completely:

I searched on google about this problem and apparently many owners have the same problem, so many that a company in China even made a solution for those cracks and engine holes. This product.

I’ve ordered the product on June 8th and it arrived the last Friday, on the 25th. 17 days to arrive from China, not bad at all considering that I’ve paid 2€ for the delivery.

It even came with the right tools to unscrew the old screws so the install phase was very smooth. Now my drone is repaired, ready to fly, and looking like this:

With a little under 25€, I’ve repaired the drone and made it fly again, maybe others would have thrown it in the trash or let the dust fill it.

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