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Building PayForSpace – Episode 1

Well… the good news it’s that the hard moment of starting the first stream in a foreign language has passed! Yeah, today I had my first almost-2-hours stream on Twitch where I started building the PayForSpace app.

I’m gonna embed the Twitch recording here at the end of the post, but first, let me summarize what I did in this first stream.

  • I created a new Laravel app
  • I installed Jetstream
  • I configured TailwindCss with JIT mode
  • Played around with Livewire a bit.
  • Tested the concept of opening a modal and waiting for a cryptocurrency payment. This works by polling the backend until we got a matching transaction. Then I just dumped the transaction on page.
  • Called the Elrond API for the first time to check for transactions.
  • Mispelled a lot of English words.

Yeah… the last one is true even if it is not tech-related. I know English, more than most people do, but when it comes to speaking… I only speak it when I am in meetings with the employer. That’s all, and the last time I spoke frequently was in high school. I had 5, sometimes I think 6 hours of English per week, I was at a bi-lingual profile.

I am glad I had a small audience for the first stream because I had room to practice without making too much of a fool of me.

Everything I coded in this stream is available on Github and it will always be the same after every stream: https://github.com/filipac/payforspace

I think the next stream will be tomorrow at 3 or 4 PM CET time. See it in your own timezone.

Without further ado, here’s my first stream. Enjoy it. Please let me know what I need to improve besides my English.

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Guess it's obvious, but the theme is created by myself with Tailwind CSS. You can find the source code here.
I still use WordPress 🧡. The theme is custom Laravel though 😎.