Right now I am not listening to anything on
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Note to self: add wire:key to Livewire elements

I want to really take care of this english blog and write daily or at least weekly. In order to do this, I am starting the Work Log category here where I can post bits of code or advice from my daily work as a programmer. Today’s note is about Livewire which is an awesome...
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Reducing debt

In this period together we are studying with a group of friends a course about personal and family finance from Crown Financial Ministries. It covers aspects from Bible as it is made by a Christian organization, but has some really strong ideas everyone can implement, regardless of the religious beliefs. The companion book for the...
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Trialling at Automattic – without success this time

One year later after this post was written, in 2022 I tried again to get hired at Automattic and failed again. Read the new article here, a more transparent and sad post about the hiring process. Just the closest friends of mine might know this, but over the past ~2 months I’ve been offered a...
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Winning the Diversity Lottery program

Well… it’s a lot harder than you’d think! It is the very first time we are applying as a family for the Diversity Program to get a green card in the US. I applied as the main applicant and added my wife Catalina and two sons on the applications as well. We might have had...
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Guess it's obvious, but the theme is created by myself with Tailwind CSS. You can find the source code here.
I still use WordPress 🧡. The theme is custom Laravel though 😎.