Joshua says:
I do not understand

Hello, welcome to daddy's blog! You should know that you won't find any cartoons around. You've been warned!

Joshua Pacurar

Wrote on

The start of the year is expensive

Until you get to the point you’re an adult, the start of the year is nothing special. But then… you begin to hate it. I am not sure how many expenses there are in your country, but I just had to pay those this month: Car insurance – I have 10 years and a couple...
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Reducing debt

In this period together we are studying with a group of friends a course about personal and family finance from Crown Financial Ministries. It covers aspects from Bible as it is made by a Christian organization, but has some really strong ideas everyone can implement, regardless of the religious beliefs. The companion book for the...
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Guess it's obvious, but the theme is created by myself with Tailwind CSS. You can find the source code here.
I still use WordPress 🧡. The theme is custom Laravel though 😎.