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Automattic trial year 2 – (probably) my last trial. Thoughts about the hiring process.

I have another post with my trial experience from last year, you might have to read that first, this one will be a little different. Read it here. So… if you read my blog you might know that last year I trialed for a job at Automattic. Even if their canned rejection message on Slack...

I think I am going to be able to write a new version/follow-up to this article soon.

I am leaning towards a new refusal this year, but we’ll see. This is one of the most challenging/exciting waiting games ever.

Right now I am not listening to anything on
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Diversity visa 2023

I am going to be short with this post: we did not win it. We had two chances, both I and Catalina submitted applications but neither of us got randomly extracted. There is still time for us, to hope that this program will not be canceled or a better alternative to legally immigrate to the...
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Romanians and their concern about others

I find it hard to believe that some fellow Romanians are making fun of the US president, either the current one or the past one, but we still have a president that called me and those fellow friends “religiously fanatical”. In the meantime, the US presidents always invoke God in their speeches and also pray...
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Guess it's obvious, but the theme is created by myself with Tailwind CSS. You can find the source code here.
I still use WordPress 🧡. The theme is custom Laravel though 😎.