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Pro Tip: Don’t overcomplicate content storage / the database from the start

Part A – The problem I’m currently working on a fairly complicated project that basically is a single-page app having just a quiz. Based on the answers you give, you receive a special report and solution at the end. Something regarding loans and financial stuff. The problem is that those questions must be editable from...
A special word from me for you:
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My 2021 setup

We, the developers, tend to look at other fellow developers and copy ideas for our workspaces and setups. Don’t you dare to say it is not true :)! Have you ever seen a beautiful screenshot of an IDE and immediately downloaded the same font and applied it too? I’m not sure anyone would want to...
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Changed my domain name after only a day

Just wrote yesterday my first post on the English website and I mentioned that I had the domain filipac.net laying around and I used that. But then I remembered that the cool TLD for developers is .dev though. I also had the domain pacurar.dev in the shopping cart for a few months now in Google...
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Hello world, welcome to my english blog.

Hi there! For a long time I’ve wanted to make a personal page and blog in English, but I was too shy to actually do it. Not anymore. On this nice Saturday evening I took an initial step to translate my existing romanian website to English. I use WordPress for this site so I quickly...
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Guess it's obvious, but the theme is created by myself with Tailwind CSS. You can find the source code here.
I still use WordPress 🧡. The theme is custom Laravel though 😎.