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Why the European Union Won’t be the Next United States of America (Europe)

The European Union (EU) and the United States of America (USA) are two of the most significant political and economic entities in the world. Some have speculated that the EU could one day become a unified entity akin to the USA. Still, a closer examination of language, history, and national differences between EU countries and...
A special word from me for you:
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Romanians and their concern about others

I find it hard to believe that some fellow Romanians are making fun of the US president, either the current one or the past one, but we still have a president that called me and those fellow friends “religiously fanatical”. In the meantime, the US presidents always invoke God in their speeches and also pray...
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My greatest dilemma

If you read enough news from the United States you should be up to date with this fact: there are not enough people there to fill up all the job opportunities. Just read this tiny part from a survey from Texas related to the service sector: The very tight labor market has resulted in our...
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I still use WordPress 🧡. The theme is custom Laravel though 😎.