Has anyone managed to use the WordPress mobile app to write posts on a blog with WPML? My Romanian blog and English blog are the same basically and I use WPML to show different content based on the domains.

I tried adding the English website to the mobile app but Jetpack sees the site as a duplicate of the Romanian one and ignores it.

On this occasion I cloned the WordPress iOS app locally to explore how that’s built, looks nice!

Joshua says:
I do not understand

Hello, welcome to daddy's blog! You should know that you won't find any cartoons around. You've been warned!

Joshua Pacurar

I am going to try new things with my blog and the first amongst those things is the ability to share quick posts that are meant to be like a status update on social platforms.

I like owning my content so less posting on social media, and more posting on my own platform. Like the good old days.

Let’s go!

PS: How do those status updates look like are WIP.

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Guess it's obvious, but the theme is created by myself with Tailwind CSS. You can find the source code here.
I still use WordPress 🧡. The theme is custom Laravel though 😎.