On taking bold stances (WordPress vs FLoC)

19 April 2021 — 
…you ask me, Firefox is net superior to Chrome. One bold stance I’ve recently seen is a decision on WordPress Core – Treat FLoC as a security concern. By treating…

Next blog theme iteration: 2022 edition

19 December 2022 — 
…code for that. Not anymore, I now change only the config of Tailwind and the colors throughout the site change. Make it snow for the winter season. Change colors to…

#status update
A long overdue matter to fix

21 September 2023 — 
…general for our family but in particular we also look for God’s guidance for this specific matter. I know that God can open locked doors for us but can also…

Family & Personal
No laptop charger for a few days

25 September 2023 — 
For the first time since… forever, today is the first time when I left home for a few days and forgot to pack my laptop’s charger. Luckily, this thing charges…

Status Update
Building PayForSpace – Episode 1

24 September 2021 — 
…and waiting for a cryptocurrency payment. This works by polling the backend until we got a matching transaction. Then I just dumped the transaction on page. Called the Elrond API…

DV2024 statistics update – 30th of June, 2024

2 July 2024 — 
…(Tallinn, Estonia) | 1 | +—————————————+——-+ These statistics are based on freshly updated non-whole cases from 1 to the following max case number, depending on the region: EU – up…

Diversity Visa
#ceac data
Building PayForSpace – Episode 2

25 September 2021 — 
…actual Elrond transaction object into our database so we don’t query the blockchain all the time to get various details. That’s all for now, we’ll continue working on this app…

Why do I like to continue listening to “canceled” people

22 September 2023 — 
…anonymous”. Guess what happened next? YouTube de-monetized his channel (even if he did not break any YouTube rules) on simple allegations. Rumble received such notifications to suspend the monetization for

A new challenge: #writeDaily

18 September 2021 — 
…something on a consecutive day The streak starts at 2. For example, if I write a post on September 18th, it is currently 0, but if I publish another article…

Family & Personal
Your own platform is the safest bet

21 September 2024 — 
…I want without being afraid of getting banned. For example, YouTubers are now looking for new platforms to stream on because YouTube is woke and shuts down streams for any…

#social media
Wasted working hours…

5 August 2021 — 
…plug the USB stick in, open up disk management and click format……. Of course, you already know what happened, I formatted the SSD drive with Ubuntu on it, the one…
