Hello world, welcome to my english blog.

7 February 2021 — 
…have a wonderful wife (Catalina) and 2 kids (Joshua and Caleb). I’m a software developer working as a contractor for a Canadian firm. What motivated me to start an english…

My greatest dilemma

4 August 2021 — 
…are plenty of growth opportunities. Our employees are dealing with limited child care options. You can read any study or article about this and the facts are straight: there are…

Am I really brave?

2 January 2023 — 
and my wife decided to buy a house, we only had a few thousand euros to pay for the contract. The other part needed as a down payment had to

Family & Personal
Note to self: add wire:key to Livewire elements

26 May 2021 — 
…project. I had a full React-GraphQL front-end for a client app and keeping the state in two locations (backend and frontend) was messy and I was ready to throw the…

Work log
I will start streaming and live coding this week

23 September 2021 — 
…the first post and stream and also will post the recording here on the blog as well. Follow me on Twitch and hope you’ll join me on this new adventure….

#live coding
#building in public
On taking bold stances (WordPress vs FLoC)

19 April 2021 — 
and enable “Containers” mode, so when you visit sites like Facebook you are in a container and FB does not know much of your internet activity anymore. And btw, if…

Why do I write on this blog

10 January 2023 — 
…hostings that nowadays no longer exist, but 14 years ago (due in March) I bought a professional hosting for my blog and paid for the domain. Blogging and writing for

Family & Personal
Next blog theme iteration: 2022 edition

19 December 2022 — 
…we all have wider displays and bigger resolutions. Make the reading/content area smaller – solved it by the next bullet Add a sidebar to content pages. I can now use…

#status update
What’s up with the USA flag in my office?

13 March 2022 — 
…status of our application. We have 2 chances cause we (me and Catalina my wife) both applied. When you apply you are the main applicant but you have to enter…

Family & Personal
A long overdue matter to fix

21 September 2023 — 
…those years since 2020 when we first applied for a diversity visa and first thought about living in the US… we never had one day of fasting and praying for

Family & Personal
Wasted working hours…

5 August 2021 — 
…boot in Ubuntu since then, but it’s a good feeling to know I have it available. Today, Thursday, Catalina comes to me asking for help formatting a USB stick. I…
